“God So Loved” Project
Welcome to the instruction page for our Virtual Project Choir project. The following will provide you with the resources and instructions you need to participate in this project. We hope to have the project completed and ready for our Sunday Service in just a few weeks so it is imperative that you get to work on this right away. Please submit your final recording by November 16. Read through the instructions below and email or call Pastor Cary @509-251-4101 if you have any questions.
Our Goal is For Thanksgiving Sunday so please submit videos right away.
Video Submission Deadline is November 16th, 2020
The project is easier than you think. Just follow these three steps…
1 – Learn the song
2 – Record your singing
3 – Upload to the Church
What You Need
- If you are unfamiliar with Virtual Choirs you might watch our first project for ideas…Click Here “Way Maker”
- This is our second Virtual Choir Project and we have chosen the song “God So Loved” written by We the Kingdom.
- Our performance will be in the style of the original song but in a slightly lower key. To the hear the song performed by the orginal artists you can find the video HERE. (OK – but ours sounds almost nothing like it. haha)
- Drum Solo – To add a creative piece of our own we are adding an 8 measure drum solo in the middle of the song right before the Bridge. This might be a fun place to get the kids involved and there are extra instructions listed below.
- Here is a printed form of the music with chords or just lyrics;
- Here is our version of the song. Use these backing tracks for practice and your final recording. For Audio File to sing to Click Here, Video version with words Click Here. The final project will feature various contributors instead of a single artist so we are looking for strong melody parts as well as harmony.
- You will need a video recording device like a Digital Video Camera, Computer with webcam or handheld recording device like a smart phone or tablet. You will probably need two devices; 1 for your singing track and 1 for your recording
- Headphones are a must (to eliminate background music and record vocals only)
- Upload video file to Google drive Here or through Facebook Messenger. If you have any trouble you can Contact me by email or call Cary at 509-251-4101.
Recording Tips
- Video recording can be done in 720 or 1080 at 30fps
- Record in Landscape mode and frame your video to show your partial upper body and face
- Frame video with a simple background
- Record in a quiet place and steady your camera before recording
- You can play an instrument as you sing but pay close attention to the instrument volume. It may effect how the video is used in the final product.
- We need people who can sing harmony and other dynamics as well as melody. We will use most harmony parts on the chorus and bridge.
- Drum Solo- Kids can join in on the drum solo if they would like using a bucket and wooden spoon, or another instrument. There is a separate video with just the drum solo portion. This video is only 30 seconds long. It begins with two counts of 4 beats and then an 8 measure drum solo. Record participants in the same way as singers as they play along with their instrument and send us the video. Click Here for the video link to this portion of the song.
- We are looking for soloist on the verses. Make your best recording and the final cuts will be determined by our producer.
- You can sing right into a cellphone or tablet. If you have microphone equipment available, try to get the best audio quality possible.
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